Nov 20, · White Fang Book report by Isaac A. Summary One I Rate this Book Author: Jack London My opinion of this book is that it is a very good book to read. White Fang is very interesting because it is exciting and you can not stop reading it White Fang Summary. When White Fang was published in , Jack London was the most widely read writer in the United States and was also popular in Europe, thanks to his second novel, The Call of the Wild (). (London had become, as well, the first millionaire American author.) The two novels are related in that while The Call of the Wild tells the story of a dog Book report on "White Fang" by Jack London". "White Fang" starts out with 2 men and a group of 6 sled dogs traveling across the Arctic with a dead man in a coffin. This group was followed by a pack of famished wolves. Each night a female half wolf half dog would seduce a dog away and allow the pack to kill him.3/5(6)
White Fang Book report by Isaac A.
In this story, book report for white fang, we keep up with a wolf named White Fang in different eras of his life. We see how he adapts to different conditions, new surroundings and book report for white fang he changes his behavior in different situations.
The first one can be read as a small story which serves as an introduction to the rest of the novel. There are two human characters who fight with the problem of missing dogs. A she-wolf appears and lures all of their dogs into her pack and in the end, only one man and two dogs survive. He tries to frighten the wolves with fire and in the end, he was rescued by a group of Native Americans. In the rest of the novel we get to know White Fang and we follow his life and growth in the wilderness with his mother and later on in an Indian village.
There he was deprived of his freedom to roam free and he longed for the wilderness and freedom. With time he becomes devoted to his owner Gray Beaver until he was sold to another man, Beauty Smith, who was cruel to him, hit him and forced him to become a fighting dog.
He was saved by Weedon Scott and he remains with him until the end of the novel and experiences love and true loyalty with him. The last part can also be read as a narrative in which the author introduces a new character and White Fang risks his life to save his owner.
In the beginning, he was growing up in the wilderness, respected its laws and adjusted to them. He had to ignore his instincts and adjust to his new surroundings. The author explains that his behavior can be formed and that he is not cruel by nature. He became cruel when he was forced to be. Also, book report for white fang, he was forced to ignore his true nature and act like a dog, book report for white fang.
Later it became so natural to him that he went back to that behavior pattern voluntarily. In the end of the novel, White Fang finally found peace on an estate which he thought to be his home, where he was accepted and loved.
The author tries to show us that circumstances determine behavior and form the true nature of a person or, in this case, an animal. In the wilderness of the north, where the temperatures were below zero, on a frozen river six strong dogs were harnessed. The sleigh they were pulling had a case attached to it on which a man who lost the battle with wilderness was sitting.
The other two, Bill and Henry, made their way through the coldness in silence. Howling of the wolfs was heard in their background. In the evening they set up a camp. The dogs were more restless than before and Bill noticed that they were lacking food while he was feeding the dogs. He took out one fish for each dog but one was left without dinner so he had to feed him additionally with other food, book report for white fang.
The howling of the wolves seemed to become louder and the dogs were scared. They only had three bullets left. He counted the dogs and they were all there but in the morning one was missing. He was eaten by the wolves, book report for white fang. After breakfast they continued their journey. Bill wished for the wolves to find some pray and leave them alone.
He had one half of a salmon in his hand and he lost the other half fighting with a wolf. He said that the wolf looked like a dog and Henry said that he was probably tamed. In the morning they woke up to an unpleasant surprise.
Another dog was missing, and it was their strongest dog. The day went by as every other. They traveled chaperoned by wolves. Henry wished for more bullets which he could shot to scare the wolves. A she-wolf, which was used as bate for the dog, appeared. She was trying to lure another dog into his death but the fire scared her and she ran away.
She joined the dogs and ate like one of them so they thought she was actually a dog. It reminded him of a man who had a dog which ran away with the wolves.
The next morning another dog went missing. They were sure that another dog chewed through his belts book report for white fang it was the only way for him to become free. That day they tied up the dogs separated one from another. On their way, they found pieces of the wood to which the missing dog was tied and they were sure that the wolves ate him. Later Bill went to see what was going on around them and he saw many famished wolves who only fed of off their dogs. They were sure that they were their next pray and that the wolves will attack them.
The she-wolf approached them fearlessly. Bill and Henry agreed it was time for them to use one of the bullets but the she-wolf ran away after seeing the gun. That night they were unable to sleep in peace because the wolves approached them more and more. Henry saw Bill getting discouraged and he knew he had to talk to him about it. The night went well and the dogs were all there in the morning, book report for white fang.
During the trip their sleigh rolled over and they had to untie the dogs, book report for white fang. One of their dogs took advantage of it and drifted book report for white fang. When they started calling for him he ran into the wilderness where the she-wolf was waiting for him.
When he got to her he became suspicious but she kept on luring him away from people. The dog wanted to go back but it was too late because the wolves were already coming after him. Bill ran determined to save his dog. Henry heard a gunfire and then two more which meant Bill was out of bullets. Screams and howls were heard and then silence. Henry knew what happened. He kept on going with his two dogs and gathered wood for his camp fire.
He kept the fire burning because it was his only protection from the wolves. The wolves were closer and he was woken up by his dogs growling at the she-wolf which observed him. He wanted to hit her with a piece of wood but she ran away. He used fire as a weapon and even wounded the she-wolf when she came too close to him. The wolves attacked him and his last two dogs. Henry spread the fire book report for white fang sat in the middle of the fire circle until the fire started going out.
He was unable to get more woods because the wolves would attack him. He realized that he had no other option. He thought he was sleeping for hours but he actually woke up a few moments later.
The wolves were gone and he as in the middle of a light fire, surrounded by people who found him and saved him from the wolves. She was followed by a big, gray wolf and the rest of the pack to which the wolf ordered and attacked if they tried to run in front of him.
There was another wolf running next to the she-wolf but she rejected both of them. One more wolf stood out in the pack because, for his age, he was very developed and had an amazing body and spirit strength. The wolves ran during the days and the night book report for white fang for food and then they came across some reindeer.
They attacked the biggest one and he injured the wolves but in the end, he was killed. Since he was big and heavy, he was enough meat for 40 wolves. Not that they were no longer hungry, they split up. She-wolf Kiche, the leader of the pack, One Eye, and the young wolf went to the river with their part of the pack.
When they remained alone Kiche became violent and started attacking the wolves. They allowed such behavior and got into a fight for her attention and she enjoyed it very much. One Eye won the battle so he and Kiche continued their journey, book report for white fang. They found a camp and Kiche desperately wanted to be a part of it but she ran away into the forest.
They made circles around the camp for two days. When they heard gunfires they had to retract. Kiche became more determined in finding whatever it was she was looking for. She found a cave and made it her home. One Eye took care of her and went hunting for food every day. One day he came to the cave only to find five little wolves which were jealously guarded by Kiche.
He went to look for food again and he found some. When One Eye came back Kiche greeted him but still growled to remind him to keep his distance but she was definitely gentler than before. One baby wolf was especially similar to his father because he had gray fur. The other four had a red tone to their fur just like their mother. He was also different because of his behavior — he was able to recognize his mother by smell or taste.
He howled louder than the book report for white fang and his mother persistently kept him away from the entrance of their cave.
Soon famine came.
Book Review White Fang
, time: 6:55White Fang: Full Book Summary | SparkNotes
Nov 20, · White Fang Book report by Isaac A. Summary One I Rate this Book Author: Jack London My opinion of this book is that it is a very good book to read. White Fang is very interesting because it is exciting and you can not stop reading it White Fang Activity Book Exercises written by Tom Gatehouse w oryginale czytamy. Chapter I A. Read this short version of the chapter. There are 3 things which didn’t really happen. Find them. One day a pack of hungry wolves ran across the forest. At the front ran White Fang. Two men are out in the wild of the north. Their dogs disappear as they are lured by a she-wolf and eaten by the pack. They only have three bullets left and Bill, one of the men, uses them to try to save one of their dogs; he misses and is eaten with the blogger.com: Jack London
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